Opinion...Developing story...
PHOTO CREDIT: Facebook, Dominica International Airport CAD Render.
While Dominica does not have any minerals or economy worth mentioning; it is well known historically to be a strategic military advantage point for who ever occupies its mountainous jungle terrain. In addition; Dominica's deep water shores and caves makes it a perfect candidate for Chinas growing missile silos, stock piles and midget submarine bases.
PHOTO CREDIT: Youtube, US & China Tunnel Boring Machines on Display.
Chinas mountain drilling capabilities is second to none. Year round vertical farming in mountain tunnels and bunkers for their mini submarines fleets needing to re-stock and or refuel on their western journey is just part of what Dominicans may have signed up for under Roosevelt Skerrit dictatorship. The secrecy on how and who's funding this new airport project in one of the poorest countries in the Americas and police selective engagement in law enforcement in a police state provides no other possible scenarios in Dominica future of having an international airport.
PHOTO CREDIT: Navel News, China Midget Submarines.
Start up company MMC Development LTD (MMC) is said to be the managing contractor for the Government of Dominica which will oversee a Chinese contractor that is now testing soil samples in lieu of the airport construction project. This transaction setup is a far cry from the norm where Chinese contractors are usually backed directly by the PLA Belt and Road Initiative. Is this start up the fall company that will be used to point fingers when things go wrong in time of crisis or war? MMC has no experience in airport construction nor can we find any completed projects on this company outside of Dominica. MMC is also said to be ultimately funding or repaying this airport backed by Dominica Citizen by Investment program which was facing a downward spiral from commencement of this very same project.
Dominica government would like everyone to drink the cool aid in believing that China has done away with the fundamental efficiency advantage of their Chinese backed firm being managed by a buffer startup with no experience or collateral to initiate a PLA Belt and Road Contract. If that’s truly the case, then I am now seriously considering hiring one of Xi's companies to build my swimming pool which I will repay after selling crabs to local restaurants on the Island using my startup. This project in it entirety also reeks of a land grab that will be developed around the airport with MMC used as a smoke screen. The recipients of this land grab appears to want there areas developed first to avoid the melee at completion.
The Chinese company China Rail Fifth Bureau which is supposedly being managed by MMC also has no experience in airport construction but does appear to know how to build railway "tunnels".
PHOTO CREDIT: News.com.au, China Nuclear Sub Exiting Tunnel in South China Sea.
Anyone can see that Dominica's new international airport is being built with absolute accountability with no one absolutely accountable. At a time where African countries are no longer taking sides and have opened shop to all; Skerrit's Government may have already taking sides which may leave the people of Dominica vulnerable in time of war for the cost of an airport. Is the prime minister who was the former sports minister playing political football with the word "Sovereignty" at Dominicans expense? Time will tell if the missing people on the island has something to do with findings of covert sites being constructed in conjunction with this airport project being built that has more drama than St Helena airport construction. Dominica new international airport may very well be used as a shared airport-air force base without Dominicans knowledge or consent.